
The Group is present at the Poiana Spa "Water Safety Plan" presentation in Cividale del Friuli (UD).

IRES course 2017

The Group by the coordination of Roberto Perin organized of an IRES course about the: “Tecniche innovative di monitoraggio e modellazione del processo di…

Nice meeting promoted by CAFC spa with Professor Francesco Fatone from Università Politecnica delle Marche and David Bolzonella from Università di Verona by…

The Group partecipates to "Le Botteghe del Sapere" within "Conoscenza in Festa" 2017 edition, topic: "Integrated Water Cycle". picture1picture2picture3.

The Group participates to the Study Abroad: "Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure in Italy (University of Udine) by OSU",  Pictures 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 ,6, 7, 8,

A seminar titled: "MANAGEMENT DI RISORSE AMBIENTALI: LA GESTIONE DEL SERVIZIO IDRICO INTEGRATO IN-HOUSE", is held by Ing. Massimo Battiston, General Maneger of 

Decision about our HORIZON 2020 (FullWaterRecovery) proposal: 1, 23